‘Talismans of the New Millennium’ is a new body of work consisting of drawings, collages and embroidery, each one crafted to represent a symbol upon which to draw hope.
The works are inspired by both pagan and Christian traditions, and are intended to protect and comfort the viewer during this particular shared moment in our history. The crises brought by climate change, coronavirus, and economic uncertainty are problems that we all share, and create a world where there is little in which we can believe in and that can give us hope. The resulting objects are inhabited by symbolic meanings and are based on Jung’s psychoanalysis, dream interpretation and also on the works of the Surrealists. The work should allow the viewer to take a break so that they can concentrate on the essentials, and maybe also bring a smile to their lips.
The volcanic island of Nisyros, its nature, the church and rich culture have each played a major role in the development of the artwork: the volcanic stone obsidian has been incorporated into the embroideries which are then collaged onto driftwood found on the beach; the almost life-size drawings of protective beings are inspired by the saints of the church. Likewise, the embroidered and drawn ex-votos convey different blessings and gratitude. Most importantly, the embroidery is influenced by an art form that has been executed mainly by women for centuries. These women and GiaGias - the grandmothers of the island - have been a great inspiration, which has allowed for a new style to come forth.